MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

secondary – MHIS Showcase


Hello, We are Group 3 from Grade 10. We have Lynette as the leader, Mikail as the vice leader and the other members are Khayla. For this PBL Project, our group did a short video.  We decided to make a 
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Hello everyone! We are from Group 1, for this PBL Project our group decided to make a News Anchoring video talking about Human and other species. In our group we have Naura as the leader, Zaky as the vice leader, 
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Hi everyone! This is group 2, we have Rafif as the leader, Farrel as the vice leader and other members are Vania and Keiza. For this PBL 2 Project, our group did an argumentative vodcast. Before we started to do 
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Hello, Assalamualaikum everyone! This is group 1 from Grade 7A. We have the leader, Athar. The vice-leader, Adya, and the members; Alvaro and Jenaya. For this Language Fair, we decided to work on Short Motivational Ads (SMA). We quickly decided 
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Hey everyone! This is group 1, we have Shabrina as the leader, Rania as the vice leader and the other members are Fardan, Daus, and Irsyad. For this PBL project, our group did a documentary video and Shabrina as the 
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Assalamu’alaikum.. Hi everyone!  This is group 2. Welcome to our PBL article! We have Talitha as the leader, Jenaya as the vice leader and other members are Alvaro and Jenaya. For this PBL Project, our group did Infographic and Talitha 
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Hi everyone! This is group 4, we’re from grade 9A, my name is Nabilla as the leader, Jaezza as the vice leader and other members are Keiza and Zaki. For this PBL Project, our group did a documentary film.  I’m 
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Assalamwalaikum everyone We are group 4!, We want to introduce ourselves first, hello i am the group leader my name is sheika, raisha is the vice leader and the other members are Nayla and Danendra and for this PBL we 
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  Assalamualaikum everyone, So this is Group 3’s PBL Project article. In our group, we have Hanif as our leader, Gyan as our vice leader and Kyla and Kiran as our members. In our PBL project, we chose the vlog 
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Hello everyone. This article is made by Group 1. We have Zayan as the leader, Ara/Ameera as the vice leader, and other honorable members are Kyan and Alisa. For our PBL project, we made a vlog, that is driven by a 
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