MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Bahasa Indonesia – MHIS Showcase

Bahasa Indonesia

Hi everyone! This is group 2, we have Nayla as the leader, Sheika as the vice leader and other members are Ghayda and Talitha For this PBL Project, our group made a poster and Nayla as the leader of the 
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh    Halo semuanya! Kami dari kelompok 4, dalam grup 4 Asha bertugas sebagai pemimpin, Arfa sebagai wakil pemimpin dan anggota lainnya adalah Adis dan Abi Untuk Proyek PBL ini, kelompok kami melakukan Balas Pantun dan Asha sebagai 
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Selamat datang di artikel kita dipresentasikan oleh group satu dari G9A dan disini kami akan membicarakan tentang podcast kita yaitu BookTalk! Tapi sebelum memulai article tersebut, perkenalkan dulu tim kami yaitu Jaezza sebagai ketua, Syafieq sebagai wakil ketua, Rafif dan 
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Assalamualaikum, Hey everyone!  We hope you guys are having a wonderful day! This is the leader from group 4,  sheika. We are group 4 from 7A. Our members are me, sheika as the group leader, Aza as the vice leader, 
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Hello, Assalamualaikum everyone! This is group 1 from Grade 7A. We have the leader, Athar. The vice-leader, Adya, and the members; Alvaro and Jenaya. For this Language Fair, we decided to work on Short Motivational Ads (SMA). We quickly decided 
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  Assalamualaikum everyone, So this is Group 3’s PBL Project article. In our group, we have Hanif as our leader, Gyan as our vice leader and Kyla and Kiran as our members. In our PBL project, we chose the vlog 
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Greetings, We’re from group 1, a group that consists of 4 people. Muhammad Nabriez Althaf Thawil as the group leader, there is also Adiwitya Daffa Ekaputra as the vice leader and two other members which is Alea Felicya Az-zahra and 
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