MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

9A – MHIS Showcase


Assalamualaikum Everyone! We’re the first group from Grade 9A. Before we explain our process in making the project, let us introduce ourselves and the roles we had in the making of this project. First we have Syafieq as the Leader, 
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Hi everyone! This is group 2, we have Rafif as the leader, Farrel as the vice leader and other members are Vania and Keiza. For this PBL 2 Project, our group did an argumentative vodcast. Before we started to do 
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Hello there!  We are group 4, we have Zaki as the leader of our group, Syafieq as the helpful vice leader and Nabilla and Rayhan as our great group members. For this PBL Project, our group decided that we would 
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Hi everyone! This is group 4, we’re from grade 9A, my name is Nabilla as the leader, Jaezza as the vice leader and other members are Keiza and Zaki. For this PBL Project, our group did a documentary film.  I’m 
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