MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Informative Holiday Vodcast! (G9AG2) – MHIS Showcase

Hi everyone!

This is group 2, we have Rafif as the leader, Farrel as the vice leader and other members are Vania and Keiza. For this PBL 2 Project, our group did an argumentative vodcast.

Before we started to do our project, we did the planning for the material in every subject that we will explain on our vodcast. For this vodcast, we plan to explain each learning objective to our listeners, so they know and learn new things after listening to this vodcast.

For the script, Vania worked on the script for sport and mandarin. For the mandarin learning objectives she was working on, she asked laoshi Nur, our mandarin teacher for help, to check whether there were sentences that needed to be corrected or not. After the sports and mandarin sections were finished, Rafif continued the script for business studies. Since the learning objectives of this business study were asked to explain how to motivate, he searched for some motivation from famous people on the internet.

Before we proceed to complete the script, we had a discussion with Mr. Zen to discuss math learning objectives. Keiza takes notes of some of the explanations she got from Mr. Zen to be written in the script. Keiza also applies the method by using geogebra for math learning objectives. After we finished with the script, Rafif asked us to record our part and send it so it can be edited as soon as possible.

While working on this project, we did not face any problems with the learning objectives that have been given. However, when we are recording our parts, we are not sure about the duration of the video. Finally, Rafif added a little conversation so that the duration was fit. We also had a problem when Farrel was editing the videos. But Farrel and Rafif immediately discussed it together to fix this problem. This is our second PBL project and we think we can learn from any mistakes from the last PBL. Moreover, we think for this second PBL, we’re going to do it as best as we can.

Written by: Rafif, Farrel, Vania and Keiza

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