MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

bahasa english – MHIS Showcase

bahasa english

Assalamualaikum, Hey everyone!  We hope you guys are having a wonderful day! This is the leader from group 4,  sheika. We are group 4 from 7A. Our members are me, sheika as the group leader, Aza as the vice leader, 
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Assalamwalaikum everyone We are group 4!, We want to introduce ourselves first, hello i am the group leader my name is sheika, raisha is the vice leader and the other members are Nayla and Danendra and for this PBL we 
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Hello everyone. This article is made by Group 1. We have Zayan as the leader, Ara/Ameera as the vice leader, and other honorable members are Kyan and Alisa. For our PBL project, we made a vlog, that is driven by a 
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(click here to go to our site) Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh Hello! This is group 4,  we have  Putra as the leader,  Luna.. as the vice leader and other members are Mikail and Zahra. For this PBL Project, our group did 
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