MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Our Opinions! (G7AG4) – MHIS Showcase


Hey everyone! 

We hope you guys are having a wonderful day! This is the leader from group 4,  sheika. We are group 4 from 7A. Our members are me, sheika as the group leader, Aza as the vice leader, following with Jihan and Favian as a member. We would like to introduce our project for this PBL 2. My group and I chose the project opinion text. We chose the project opinion text, because we wanted to share our different opinions. in a simple words, opinion text is sharing our opinions on a topic our teachers gave to us! for this opinion text, our topic was about family tree. We had to share our opinions on different subjects and it has to relate to the family tree, our title is called “our opinions”.

The steps on how we did this project: first, we all picked our project first and we all agreed on opinion text. After that, me (Sheika) and Aza as the vice and also group leader, we both started dividing jobs to everyone. In this project, we all had a responsibility to finish. Sheika chose the subject religion and English, Aza chose mandarin and science, Jihan chose Physical Education and lastly Favian picked Bahasa Indonesia. Math was for all the group members so we could do it together!.

After we all had our own responsibilities, we started to plan our PBL first. It took quite a long time but in the end, we did it and we all started answering our opinion text’s. After days, we were all done with answering our opinion text’s. The next tstep we took, we had to make our PBL script for the summarizing video. All of us worked on it! Lastly, after we were done, we only had to film and edit our video. Aza is in charge of the editing. After all the members submitted their video, Aza began to edit. Thank you Aza for doing such a great editing! Finally, we were done with our project. I’m happy with our results and I hope my group members are too!

We had lots of fun doing this project! After school, we would often do gmeets to discuss our project. I  had lots of fun and I hope my group mates did too! One thing we’ve learned from this project is responsibility. In my opinion, group projects carry lots of responsibilities so for this PBL2 it helped us learn how to be responsible to our groupmates and manage our timeline!

We hope, me and my groupmates can keep ourselves being responsible!. A recommendation for students that will have a similar project, I recommend you to be prepared with a lot of responsibilities and manage your timeline because you will be very busy with this project.

Please Check our Online Version of Opinion Text 

Also, check out our summarizing video!  

Thank you so much for your attention. We would appreciate it if you guys are willing to check our summarizing video and also the book creator link. We worked very hard on this project. I’m sure you all did too so we would be happy if you guys can support us. Thank you stay safe and healthy everyone<3


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