MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Want to Go on Holiday but Have No Plan? Check Our Documentary Video Out! (G9AG4) – MHIS Showcase

Want to Go on Holiday but Have No Plan? Check Our Documentary Video Out! (G9AG4)

Hello there!

 We are group 4, we have Zaki as the leader of our group, Syafieq as the helpful vice leader and Nabilla and Rayhan as our great group members. For this PBL Project, our group decided that we would make a Documentary Film. The film lasts for about 8 minutes. We hope you will enjoy it.

 Our video that we made is called “Holiday Plans” it is about our group discussing about our holiday trip to Dubai. We implemented the different subjects into the video and went into detail about our trip.

 Zaki, the leader of our group, chose the roles and tasks of the group members with the help of the vice leader Syafieq. Each group member has their own tasks and roles, like script writing and editing. The roles of each member were:

  • Zaki: Script writing, video editing, video recording
  • Syafieq: Script writing, video editing, video recording
  • Nabilla: Script writing, video editing, video recording
  • Rayhan: Script writing, small PBL, video recording

 First we carefully read the guidelines of the PBL and then we divide up the roles, afterwards we started to discuss and plan out our PBL project. We continued to discuss and plan until we agreed on it. Soon after we finished our planning, we tried to contact the teachers to approve of our points. Most of the teachers answered quickly while some teachers answered late. After our points of the planning were approved by the teachers, we started to move onto the script writing. After we were done with the script writing all there was to do was to record and edit the footage.

 When we did our recordings, there wasn’t much difficulty. Although on one scene where we needed to be in a Zoom meeting together, there was some difficulty in actually starting it and recording. When the Zoom scene was finished recorded all we needed to do was to edit. Even with 3 editors there was still some trouble. We had some problems with the coordination between our editors and we had to stay up all night finishing the editing. But we finally succeeded and finished the entire video.

 This was our 2nd time doing a PBL project and this one was different from the last PBL. We gained many experienced through the duration of making the project. We learnt that team work is really needed in a type of project like this. And we learnt how to coordinate more. And we even learnt a bit more about editing. We hope you will enjoy our PBL video.



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