MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Language and Culture Learning Project (G8BG2) – MHIS Showcase

Language and Culture Learning Project (G8BG2)


Assalamualaikum Everyone!

This is group 2 , we have Prima Faeyza as the leader, Lynette as the vice leader and other members are Samantha. For this PBL Project 2, our group did distribute roles. for example editing video, creating script, create planning was distributed properly. As the leader job’s, Prima divided the task to all members.

We decided to make infographic. It is about “Benefits of Language and Culture Learning” and “Light Wave”

Prima as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. We all did research for our Infographic. We also did planning, and also edited our video.

At the beginning, teachers introduced us with the guideline. After that, we divided the task, Prima did the editing, Lynette did the infographic and Samantha created our animation. We continued to do our own part such as Sam was doing the drawing and Lynette did research about the topic that we chose which are “Benefit of language and culture learning” and “Light wave”.  

This was our 2nd time, doing the project and this year was different from last year. One of our group member are not in this school anymore so we decided to finish the project with only 3 group members. However we managed to finish this project with our best and we’re very proud of the result. We highly recommend this project to the other students. not because only we will get experiences but also we got more knowledge that we can use in the future.

Written by: prima faeyza, lynette, samantha

Please Check our infographic!

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