Hi everyone!
This is group 2, we have Nayla as the leader, Sheika as the vice leader and other members are Ghayda and Talitha For this PBL Project, our group made a poster and Nayla as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.
We decided to make a poster, it is about informing others how to keep a clean environment.
Nayla as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. We all did our task’s together
First we read the guidelines then we divide the task, then we chose a good template for our poster and started working on it after that we decorated our poster’s and printed two versions of it one English and one in Bahasa Indonesia and finally we pinned it on our class board and in Nayla’s neighbourhood.
This was our 1st time doing the project in this year, It was quite hard to communicate we had our bad and good times in the PBL but mostly we learned about teamwork and to be independent with fixing our own problems, we all enjoyed this years PBL 1 and hopefully for the next PBL we can have more fun and learn more about teamwork.
Here is the poster we made! we hope you like it
Written by: Sheika, Nayla, Talitha and Ghayda
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