MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Secondary11 – MHIS Showcase

Author: Secondary11

Greetings everyone, we are the first group from the 11th grade of Mutiara Harapan! Our group consists of: Syafieq as the leader; M. Rafi as the vice leader and Kalista as a member. With our group only consisting of three 
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Name : Naura Salsabilla  Grade : 11 Science
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Hello there, Assalamualaikum! We are Group 1 from Grade 11 and today we will be sharing a bit about our project which is the Educational Instagram account. We are made up of three members ; Fathan, Malik and Ranaa. Fathan 
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The Afternoon Talk Show with Farrel Bram – Vodcast PBL by THE BOYS Greetings ladies and gentlemen, Assalamualaikum! Welcome to our article, we are the group called “THE BOYS” or a.k.a. Group 1 of grade 11. The group is led 
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Hi, Assalamualaikum Everyone! We are Group 2 from Grade 11, and we have Ranaa as the leader, then Risya as the vice leader and lastly Michelle as our member. For this PBL project we decided to make a Website called 
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Hey there! We are Group 3 from Grade 11 whose members are Risya and Ranaa. For this year’s PBL, we have decided to make a general product – a notebook! We ultimately decided that the notebook was the better choice, 
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Assalamualaikum WRB, We are Group 2 from G11. This group consists of two members which are Izzie and Michelle. For this PBL we are assigned to choose a project to do in a team. We ended up choosing the animation 
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Assalamu’alaikum W’b, hello everyone! We are Group 1 of Grade 11,our team consists of Farrel as leader, Malik as vice leader, and Fathan as our other member. For this PBL Project, our group created a comic and Farrel, as the 
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