MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

General Product – Group 3 PBL – MHIS Showcase

Hey there! We are Group 3 from Grade 11 whose members are Risya and Ranaa. For this year’s PBL, we have decided to make a general product – a notebook! We ultimately decided that the notebook was the better choice, in terms of cost, efficiency and time.  


The planning of this project started with a reviewer, after we accomplished the reviewer we started brainstorming ideas for the initial design. The design itself was quite difficult to make at the beginning, but the more we did it the more we got the jist of it. We created two notebook designs, and in the first book we incorporated the subjects : Religion, Math, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Then in the second book we covered four subjects : Religion, Global Perspectives, P.E and Mandarin, which can be seen on the video.


Overall, we had quite a hectic experience for this PBL – there were more subjects to cover than our previous one. But overtime, we adjusted and were able to submit this project on time. This project was definitely one of our bigger projects for this semester and we are very glad that we finished it on time.


One of the things we both learned was how to design notebooks. This was both of our first times’ designing a notebook, we are still learning and that is okay – this will be a learning point for the both of us. The second insight that we learned was how crucial time is. Because of our poor time management, we ended up cramming this project until the last seven weeks. 


If anybody in the future wants to make a similar project like ours, we would advise you to make a thorough reviewer with everything you want incorporated into the design. You should also start designing as soon as you are done with your reviewer so you won’t have to cram your project. This has definitely been a big learning curve for the both of us and we hope to improve our quality for our next projects. 


Best Regards, Ranaa and Risya  



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