MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Vodcast PBL (G11G1) – MHIS Showcase

The Afternoon Talk Show with Farrel Bram – Vodcast PBL by THE BOYS

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our article, we are the group called “THE BOYS” or a.k.a. Group 1 of grade 11. The group is led by Farrel, with Malik as the vice leader, and Fathan as our member. For this specific PBL project, we decided to make a project based on a Vodcast. We took inspiration from the particular vodcast called “Trash Taste” on YouTube. For the execution itself, we divided the task for the 3 of us, with Farrel leading and assigning it. Farrel, specifically, did the editing of the project (both video and script) while also covering the subjects for Bahasa, English, Music, and Religion. Fathan covered the subjects of biology and mandarin, while also making the subtitles of the video. Last but not least, Malik covered the subjects of Physics and Chemistry.

In the Vodcast, we covered most of those subjects in a presentation/slideshow-like way. However, near the end of the video, we went on to have a discussion session, which was also to fill the religion and Bahasa learning objectives. Our process of making the vodcast consisted of first reading the guidelines then discussing it even further. We then made a document for the reviewer and Farrel divided us for which subjects we will each do. Farrel also made the script for the vodcast which was used for talking points and dialogues. When the reviewer and script were finished, our recording time was set, and although we had some difficulties, we pulled through and were able to finish the recording. Farrel then edited the video and Fathan added the finishing touch to the video which is the English subtitles on YouTube.

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this PBL was different from the last PBL. On the last PBL, we made a comic to corporate our learning objectives. I would say because we had that previous PBL, we were able to learn and improve upon working on this PBL. Our task division was much smoother and also we didn’t have any major cramping all that much.

Written by: Farrel


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