MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Primary – Page 2 – MHIS Showcase


Islamic Fair is marked as an important day for students to showcase their Islamic knowledge and skills. This year’s Islamic Fair with the theme ‘Being collaborative and productive to strengthen Islamic values during the pandemic’ In the first semester Grade 
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Islamic Fair is marked as an important day for students to showcase their Islamic knowledge and skills. This year’s Islamic Fair with the theme ‘Being collaborative and productive to strengthen Islamic values during the pandemic’ In the first semester Grade 
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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarkatuh, English Fair is an annual event conducted to give an opportunity for students to showcase their English skills. In this 2021/2021’s English fair entitled “THINK IT, SHARE IT, LET’S DO IT!” as the theme, the Primary 3 
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The Grade 2 Lower Primary students of Mutiara Harapan Islamic School had experienced a great opportunity to explore, discover and present the different Shapes and Sizes using the English Language. This year’s English Fair was conducted in a more exciting 
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The Grade 1 Lower Primary students of Mutiara Harapan Islamic School had experienced a great opportunity to explore, learn and practise their English Language. This year’s English Fair was conducted in a more exciting way on November 1-3 with the 
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Lower level Islamic fair in primary was held on Thursday, August 26th 2021 with the theme “ Being collaborative and productive to strengthen Islamic values during the pandemic”.  This year, lower level students start to make project based learning (PBL)  
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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. English Fair is marked as an important day for students to showcase their English skills. This year’s English Fair with the theme “THINK IT, SHARE IT, LET’S DO IT!” promoted an important aspect of learning through Project 
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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. English Fair is marked as an important day for students to showcase their English skills. This year’s English Fair with the theme “THINK IT, SHARE IT, LET’S DO IT!” promoted an important aspect of learning through Project 
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Primary students of Mutiara Harapan Islamic School conducted the virtual event of STEAM Fair on 15 & 16 February 2021 with the theme “Promoting excellence and innovation about the world around us through STEAM”. This concept is inviting students to 
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Last 16 of February 2021, the students of Mutiara Harapan Islamic School once again virtually gathered together  to conclude the month-long celebration of STEAM Fair. The Grade 3 students showcased their project for the STEAM Fair event with the theme 
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