MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in the Community – MHIS Showcase

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in the Community

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarkatuh,

English Fair is an annual event conducted to give an opportunity for students to showcase their English skills. In this 2021/2021’s English fair entitled “THINK IT, SHARE IT, LET’S DO IT!” as the theme, the Primary 3 students have conducted a collaborative Project-based Learning covering English, Science, Art and Physical Education. The project is intended to provide information and promote awareness for the community to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As the process, the students were assigned to read books and/or articles about the following topics; Malnutrition and Obesity, Healthy Habits for Healthy Life, Proper Dietary, and Fast-Food VS Home-Cooked Meals and make summaries. The summaries are in terms of slides, drawings, pictures, images or alike according to their preference. They then compiled their summaries and presented them on videos.

Group 5 from P3A and Group 1 from P3B to Present Healthy Habits for Healthy Life


They have successfully created the projects with impressive outputs as shown in the videos. Their success has resulted from their sense of collaboration and teamwork and the support from teachers and parents. Finally, the objectives of the English Fair to allow the students to show their English skills and maintain their confidence has been achieved through this Project-Based Learning. Check the following links for more videos.


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