MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Works of Some of The Great People (G10G3) – MHIS Showcase

Works of Some of The Great People (G10G3)

Hi everyone!

marhaban jami’an, Hāi dàjiā hǎo!

This is group 3, we have zaky as the leader, yasfin as the vice leader and other members are fatih and sasa. For this language fair, our group did video essay and me as the leader  of the group divided the task to all members

We decided to make a video essay about

the works of some notable people and their achievement throughout their lives.

The job distribution, I assigned yasfin to make the arabic conversation, Fatih to help yasfin in the making of the arabic conversation and do a research for biology and Sasa to make the mandarin script about future jobs and research on physics.

The procedure in creating the project, first we read the guideline then we divide the task. I will do the research for chemistry and responsible for the editing process. Fatih will be responsible for biology and sasa will be responsible for physics while yasfin will do the arabic conversation and the closing for our video.

Lesson learnt, this was our second time doing the project and its different from the last one, we found it really hard to do cause we did all the works 1-2 weeks from the deadline. 

Please check our video below:

Written by Group 3


  • Ratna Widianingrum / Reply

    Thank you for the presentation.

    Interesting topic and video. You make a complicated topic easy to listen to. I really enjoy it.

    It would be better for the pronunciation at the time of presentation to be louder so that it can be heard clearly

    Well done and keep the good work. 👍👍👍

  • solid team, very clear description, success in the future

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