MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Visitting the Zoo (8AG1) – MHIS Showcase

Hi everyone!

This is group 1, we have Salma as the leader, Alika as the vice leader and other members are Ragui and Tyo. For this PBL Project, our group did a short story and Salma as the leader of the group divided the task up to all the members.

We decided to make a short story about a family visiting a zoo and are going to learn all sorts of lessons about haram and halal foods, benefits of walking, vegan and vegetarian etc.

Salma as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member and also planned the whole thing as well as making the book creator. Alika did her part in editing the whole video and also made the voiceover script. Ragui contributed by making the subtitles from english to bahasa and also helped with the voiceover. Finally Tyo assisted in decorating the book creator and contributed in doing the voiceover with Regi.

First we read the guidelines then we divided the task, then we discussed what the story was about. After a long discussion Salma came up with the story and we made the book creator. After that Tyo was tasked with decorating and making the book creator look better. Next all group members were tasked to make an introduction and Alika editted the video. Following that, Tyo and Regi were tasked with doing the voiceover and lastly Regi created the subtittle .

This was our second time doing the project and this year was different from last year. Since our group was changing, the most important thing is because this recent PBL contained 11 subjects in one project while last year PBL only contained 2 subjects. Of course, there’s some struggles because it’s harder to include many subjects in just one project, and technical issues in the book creator but we’re glad that we can overcome it in the end.

Written by: Salma, Alika, Regi, Tyo (Group 1)

Checkout our book, IN THIS LINK!

And below is our video, the processes is recorded here!


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