MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase


Hi everyone!

This is group 4, we have Jihan as the leader, Freya as the vice leader and other members are Mikail and Zhafran. For this PBL Project, our group did an educational vlog and Jihan as the leader of the group divided the task up to all members.

We decided to make educational vlog, where we only need to make a video of all subjects then combine it and take only its conclusion for the video and our topic is about having a healthy lifestyle for muslims.

Jihan as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Jihan made most of the planning, Mikailโ€™s task was editing the video. While Zhafran and Freya were completing their script.

First we read the guidelines then we divide the task, then Jihan, the leader, make the planning for our project, Mikail ask some of the teacher, to see if our planning is okay.After being approved by the teacher, we started to write the script then we practice for the educational vlog for a few times, then we record it. Lastly, after making the educational vlog, Mikail adds the background music and also edit the video, meanwhile, Jihan do the bahasa captions. After all of our work was done, Zhafran and Freya checked it.

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year. The PBL project that we worked on has all of the subjects, while last year, we only had english and ict for the PBL. While doing the project, we honestly had a lot of struggles, but we enjoyed doing the PBL project together. The hardest part was when we were working on the planning and script, we worked on it for about 2-3 days. Things that we learned in this project is that teaming up with someone new is not as easy as it seems. We need to be patient with our group members, because sometimes they might not understand what they need to do, so we need to explain it again to them. Our advice is (If you can) team up with people you know and trust because you can trust them to do the work and be responsible with their role(s). Despite that, you shouldย  also communicate with the members in your group frequently, so that there will be no misunderstanding between you and the rest of the members, and you must also be responsible for what each of you has to do, so that not only a few people are working on the project. All we want to say is, break a leg for all of you, whoโ€™ll be doing this kind of project too!ย 

Written by: Jihan, Mikail, Zhafran and Freya 8A (GROUP 4)

Don’t foget to also check our educational vlog below!




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