MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Good Food Good Life (8AG3) – MHIS Showcase

Hi everyone!

This is group 3, we have Athaya as the leader, Putra as the vice leader and members are Naira and Keihl.
For this PBL Project, our group did an infographic and Athaya as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make 5 pages of infographics. First page was about halal and haram food, the second page was about food webs and decomposers, the third page was about food values in haram and halal food, money problem solving, and also Arabic conversation. The fourth page was about a healthy lifestyle, and the last page was about dietary choices and Mandarin conversation.

Athaya as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Athaya does most of the planning. Putra made the canva and we decided the template for our infographics, edited our summarizing video and made most of the script for summarizing video. Naira edited the text and images in the infographics and asked teacher confirmation for the planning. Keihl wrote some sentences in the infographics and asked teacher confirmation for the planning.

First we read the guidelines then we divided the task, after that we made the planning and asked teacher confirmation. Then we decided on the template, after we finished deciding and coming up with the title, we started writing the information and adding the pages. Then we added some decorations to the infographic to make it look a little bit better to look at . Then we finished everything we needed and now we can finish the infographic. After finishing the infographics, we record the video summarizing. Then, Putra edited it and it’s done!

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year. Last year we were instructed to make short films, comic news, podcasts, narrative stories, and news casting. And last year we only focused on English & ICT subjects. But this year we focused on all subjects. And it’s really challenging because this is our first time to do PBL on all subjects. In the making of our infographics, we experienced some challenges such as communication with members, deciding what template should be used, preparing the video on a day close to the deadline, and a few more. Fortunately we can finish the project on time. In those challenges we learn a lot like communication, collaboration, hard work, and responsibility is important. Lastly, to the students who will do a similar project in the future, we recommend you to always communicate with members, always discuss your project and manage your time correctly.

Written by: Athaya, Putra, Naira, Keihl

Check our “behind the scene” when creating this infographic, dont forget to check the infographic too!


  • good job

  • Good video..

  • For Athaya and friends,

    Good joob!

  • Thia Febriyana / Reply

    Good Infographic

  • Good job, smart and creative team. Succses for all team and we wait for other project.

  • Bambang Eko Wijayanto / Reply

    Good job guys..the presentation is short, concise and clear.

    Well done πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • It’s helpful

  • Over all the project and presentation is good.
    More improve for the next assignment guys !! βœŒοΈπŸ˜€

  • Djuwita P / Reply

    Wooouuww such interesting presentation ❀️

  • Good Job

  • Eni Widaryanto / Reply

    Good job and speechless ..πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • Prof. Dumbledore / Reply

    Presentation material needs to be added that the explanation can be wider. It should be noticed for the recording at the time of recording for more and clear, the same volume between the group members. Background music does not be too hard to disturb the exposure to the material. Success for all members of the group. Ciao ..

  • Part I

    First of all I think the editing is a little bit choppy but that doesn’t really matter in the infographic context. Having the Introduction in the beginning is great! it introduces everyone roles clear and nicely, a gripe I have with the video is when a few of the students in the video seems like their reading from a script (I know that it is probably scripted) but sometimes is obvious that some of the students are reading from something, the first 2 speakers nailed the speaking! not only they said the info clearly but also is confident and outgoing if you can say it like that.

    Pros: Easy to Understand the tutorial with decent editing and some presenters are clear to understand
    Cons: lack of confidence and mundane speaking.

    Total Score for Part 1:

    Part II

    The Tutorial part is easy to understand and follow. Personally I think they should stick to one language not that its hard to understand at times its just more neater if they all stick to one language. I think the speaking part is also a bit choppy, sometimes the mic is too quiet or loud, I understand all of this is all from Online because of the current pandemic but maybe make the mic a bit consistent post editing? but mostly its okay and not that big of a deal in this context. The Tutorial part itself is easy to understand and follow so i have to give some credit to that!

    Examples of Mic Problems:
    1:26 – I could a hear a plane engine noise or something that distracted me from the Video.
    1:18 – The Mic level is Low

    Pros: Presenters and Tutorial are clear to understand and follow
    Cons: Inconsistent Audio and Confusing with the switching of Languages

    Total Score for Part 2:


    Part III

    In Conclusion the video is indeed rushed, the video will be much more better if it was more coordinated and planned, but hey who could blame them? learning online is very difficult at times and that is taking from an Online Learner myself. The Audio consistency needs more worked and editing might need a little bit of polishing but overall the video is really great! just needs a little more work to be polished! The Music is a banger and would love to hear more!

    Total Pros: Most of The speakers/presenters are great and confident and easy to understand, the tutorial is quite the same. The editing is decent and alright, the music is a banger but maybe keep it down and not distracting sometimes because its too good.

    Total Cons: Needs more polishing, keep the video consistent like adjusting the audio and stick to one language to not confuse the audience, keep the music nice and comfortable and not too distracting but the music itself is a banger.

    Total Video Score:

    Keep up the good work guys πŸ˜€

  • cool :O !

  • Irfan wahyudi / Reply

    This is a great job and very nice informative video , keep it up!

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