MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Someone’s Getting Kicked by A Cow! (9BG2) – MHIS Showcase

Someone’s Getting Kicked by A Cow! (9BG2)

Hello everyone!

Before we begin, let’s get to know the miracle minds behind the work. Fatima is the leader alongside Amanda as the vice. M. Rafi and Dafa are our handy teammates in charge of tasks the leader assigned. For this PBL project we decided to make a documentation video about Qurbani slaughtering including all the learning objectives from selected subjects. Our goal is to spark the spirit amongst muslims during covid to celebrate Eid Al-Adha and get to entertain people through educational content.

As earlier mentioned, we decided to make a documentary film. It is about a very rich cowman that is at loss due to business competitors and finds himself cheating to regain all his money on instance. Fatima as the leader of the group chooses our roles and assigned tasks for each member. Fatima herself was tasked to finish the STORYBOARD, script, video editing, Mandarin narrating and video directing. Amanda and M. Rafi were the actors, Arabic script writers, as well as the material reviewers. Dafa was the main video editor, music editor, resource, publisher, and storyboard editor. 

Let’s discuss the process in depth. First of all we red the guidelines, decided on what project we should do, and then divide the tasks. Fatima is incharge of doing research on Math, Global Perspective, and Mandarin. Fatima also contributed in helping Dafa to make the storyboard and video editing. Amanda on the other side is incharge of doing research on Science, Arabic, and Bahasa Indonesia, she is also the material reviewer and actor. M rafi is incharge of doing research on Religion, PPKN, and Physical Education, he is also the material reviewer and actor. Last but not least, Dafa, he is incharge of doing research on Music, he is our editor and storyboard editor.

We knew from the start that it would be challenging, nevertheless we completed it with a proud heart. Working together truly eases the process. The differences between this PBL and last year’s STEAM fair is that this PBL has more variety, given that last year’s STEAM fair had only included 2 subjects, Math and Science. To be able to combine all completely unrelated learning objectives in one project was an experience like no other; we are glad to be able to take part in this.

PBL is not simply about completing and submitting tasks, it is about sharing the experience with your teammates and learning how to integrate everyone’s ideas. As a leader/vice, you will learn how to manage the workflow of your project based on the time allotment and the capability of each member. In the perspective of a member you will understand that every work given is trusted for you to finish. To sum it up, members are the utmost determining factor to the quality of the result.

For junior students, we recommend you to start working on your project earlier. The more you wait, the bigger the burden you have to pay when the time gets closer to the deadline. Specially recommended from our video editors, prepare all your sources before editing. The time taken to convert medias is not suitable for editing and exporting simultaneously. We’ve proven that this will only slow down your process and create a higher risk of file loss. 

This Religion PBL created a whole new experience and meaning of learning by doing. Instead of the classical monotonous learning technique, we students get to execute our creativity into making educational contents. Overall, the process was meaningful and rewarding. After finishing the project we realised that our understanding towards the learning objective increased, not to mention all the partnership lessons we earned throughout the project. We hope to be able to astonish everyone next time and continue to bettering ourselves in learning.

Good bye, readers.

Written by: Fatima, Amanda, M. Rafi, and Dafa


  • Tri Hartanto / Reply

    Selalu mengevaluasi Hasilnya, jangan mudah puas dan Bangga, jadilah Team yg Solid yg selalu Bekerjasama, semangat Terus anak2 ku

  • Good job group 2, keep up the good work! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • Good job… that’s really nice work group 2

    • Great job! It is challenging integrating various knowledge you gathered throughout your study into orchestrated video👍👍👍

  • Good Job 👏😍👍🏻

  • good job

  • Good job👍👍

  • Your comment is awaiting moderation. Good job 👏😍👍

  • The ideas are so creative, keep up the good works 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • wow, the video was very informative and very interesting! I liked the overall concept of the video. I could see the effort that you guys put into this project. Excellent job, keep it up ! 😊

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