MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Halal and Haram Food (8AG2) – MHIS Showcase

Halal and Haram Food (8AG2)

Hi everyone!

This is group 2, we have Lifi as the leader, Alesha as the vice leader and other members are Raaufi and Nara. For this PBL Project, our group did a video podcast and Lifi as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make a vodcast, it is about halal and haram food.

Lifi as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Lifi and Rauufi creates the script for the vodcast.  Alesha make the background music and Nara did some research.

First we read the guidelines then we divide the task, We then

discuss in our pbl group chat and search the time where everyone is free to have a group meet. When we did the meet and discuss more things, we proceed to start making progress. We first fill the docs for planning, then ask the teacher for approval. After we got the approval, Rauufi and Lifi start making the script. Nara did research about some topics for the script. Alesha starts making music for the vodcast. After the script is finished, we have a zoom meeting to film the vodcast. It took a long time to get everything right because apparently the script isn’t long enough. We also needs to retake because our voice isn’t clear and some are dealing with internet issues.

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year, Last year we did separate project for Islamic Fair and PBL but this year both are combined together. This year is pretty challenging because we are instructed to combine all subject together into a video podcast, short story or etc. Although we still manage to finish and complete our project before it is due. We finished on time because we learn how to manage our time and communicate with each other in doing this project.

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