MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Be Creative in Composing a Song, Like us! (9AG3) – MHIS Showcase

Be Creative in Composing a Song, Like us! (9AG3)

Hi everyone!

This is group 3, we have Vania as the leader, Rafif as the vice leader and other members are Una and Akmal. For this PBL Project, our group did a song composing which required us to be creative in making the lyrics and also the music.

Before we started to do our project, we did the planning first on which learning objectives that we must include in the lyrics and also our explanation. After that, Vania makes the lyrics based on the learning objectives. Vania searched for the information on what she is going to explain in the lyrics, so the message will not be wrong.

Meanwhile waiting for the lyrics to be done, Vania asked the other members for help with doing the script. The script is about the explanation on how we make this project and explain the messages of the song. After the lyrics were done, Vania decided on the part and asked for Rafif to play the music instrument by using a virtual piano.

When composing a song, we must make our own music without taking any songs from Youtube. At first, Vania already found the tone for the song. But when it comes to the instrument, it doesn’t even match at all so she has to think and make it again until it sounds good. We also have a bit of a problem with the music. Therefore, before we submit our final video, Vania and Rafif had a discussion with Mr Pepen for help to add some chords to the music.

In doing this project, we have to be creative on how we make our own songs. We need to be active in communicating, so there will not be any members who are missing the information. We thought that we could not finish it on time, because there are still some things that need to be added. But we fortunately completed it by using the time that the teacher gave us for doing or completing the project and also managed our time.

Written by: Vania, Rafif, Una and Akmal.

You can click on this link to check our song video!


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