MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Accelerating The Inevitable Extinction (7AG1) – MHIS Showcase

Accelerating The Inevitable Extinction (7AG1)

Hi everyone!

This is Group 1 from Grade 7A. We have Athar, as the leader, Razqa as the vice leader and the other members are Azalea and Alika. For this PBL Project, our group decided to make a vlog.

 The vlog that we decided to make is a vlog about Extinct Animals.

Athar, as the leader of our group, decided that everyone can take on the roles and tasks that they wanted.

First, We read the guidelines, then we divided the task up to each member. Athar organized the group, and then he wrote and edited some parts of the script, Azalea wrote most of the script, after we finished writing the script, we started on making the video, a few days later, we finished the recording. Azalea made the music and wrote the Indonesian subtitles for the video, Razqa edited the video and edited the Indonesian subtitles in, and Alika made the animation for the video.

As this was our first time doing a project like this, we were a bit nervous because we didn’t know what to do and the group was still disorganized, But we gradually understood it and started working hard on the project, and eventually we finished it.  

Written by: Athar

Edited by: Athar, and the other members

Check out our script here!


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