MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

To the Sky and Up (G9AG3) – MHIS Showcase


Hello everyone, who’s reading this article!

We’re from group 3 consisting of Dyan as the leader and our script maker, Zahra as the co-leader also the script maker, Jaezza as incharge of the small PBL and this article, and also Akmal as a helper.

For this PBL, we have chosen Travel Ad as our project. At first, we were discussing whether we should choose video dubbing or travel ad. However, we decided that travel ad will be our decision since it takes lots of interest from our group.

Our experiences on doing this project was a roller coaster for us. At first we had trouble with how and when to start, but thankfully Dyan paved the way for our group as a Leader should do. Later on we divided our tasks and also set goals and deadlines on the way for success. Although behind our process, there’s always one thing that slows our process down by stressing us, and that is our assignments that sometimes just slows us down, but eventually we overcame it and actually learnt something in the end.

We have learned a few things in this PBL, we learned how to communicate, persuade with people that we’re working with and also how to achieve something as a team. PBL also encourages us to solve complex problems, it also requires us to view our problems as a team with different perspectives and angles to solve our problems.

Our recommendations for other students in the future that do similar projects like us is, set goals and deadlines, don’t be afraid to talk and complain, divide tasks immediately and play your role with your best, help each other and the most important part is to communicate to prevent miscommunications. We hope that our tips can be helpful to the future students! Thank you for your time to read our article and we’ll hope to see you next year!

Written by : Jaezza Ikhsan, Dyandra Ayodya, Naura Fachira Az-Zahra & Akmal Gus Aliyudin Hafid

This is the link to our project and please have fun watching it! Thank you so much :>


  • perfect, inspiring and valuable.

    • Kristian Agung Prasetyo / Reply

      This is excellent! Activities like this help you undertand that teamwork is essential. We can’t work alone. As simple as that.

  • Kristian Agung Prasetyo / Reply

    OMG, this is awe inspiring!

  • Kristian Agung Prasetyo / Reply

    This is excellent! Activities like this help you undertand that teamwork is essential. We can’t work alone. As simple as that.

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