Earlier on the previous month, on the week of September 2022, a fantastic event named as Language Fair was held by Mutiara Harapan Islamic School. This language fair was a collaborative event with the English subject and Bahasa Indonesia to all lower and upper primary level, a brilliant setup led by Ms. Stephanie and Mr. Adit with the help of teachers, making the event as fun and educated at the same time. The aim to organize such a fair was just to give knowledge to the students and develop their interest to explore the variety of a language through project based learning.
The event where students and teachers both participated and was scheduled in few days of time. In the early of the day, students were very happy working hand in hand in groups, sited and sat all in the classroom. There were many items created and displayed at the fair. They were originally made by the students with the help and guidance of their teachers. Resulting, all items and posters were fascinating. The students were excited and confident while creating and presenting about their works.
The fair was set up into lower and upper levels, where each has different variety and creativity. Each level of teachers were responsible for their own level, as for this report, the share will be focusing only to the lower level, the 2nd grade.
Fair day began, with the 1st day started by organizing students creating a project poured in colourful carton paper and art materials producing amazing poster, brilliant work students! The posters were all such beautiful art pieces, I personally say, as a collaboration with an art subject all at once, unofficially.
Interestingly, what made it even catchy, was this art piece collaborated with 2 languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia, the Language Fair as its name. What displayed on the posters, students creating explanation and their set of photographs blended in English and Bahasa Indonesia, collaboratively.
On the very early day, students decorated altogether squared in group set and tables. However, such decorating is not such an interesting one without such a “decorative” outfit, right? So it went students came to school with cool traditional outfit leaving their uniform behind to embrace this language fair. Few of them wore Javanese, others wore Betawi ones, rest wore custom Indonesian outfit, distinguishably.
Rest on the next coming day of the fair, due to covid protocol, and tight health procedure from the school, it left the fair to be online to the end, unfortunately. More than that, this condition didn’t let the students’ spirit bottom low, amazing! Students presenting in English and Bahasa Indonesia, wearing traditional outfit, on the D Day of the fair, online. We were lucky enough to capture loads of amazing words and phrases during the presentation. In just a glimpse of the preparation, students were still able to present all their projects in such a creative way, successfully…proudly!
Ending the fair, in the edge of the closing day, though all projects were amazing, though all outfits fit nicely, but there were some “up in the sky” ones caught our attention. We came across to pour extra credits for them. In a wish that we could pick them all up, but we really had just to pick a few. Winners of the achievers honoured with certificate of appreciation from the school, respectively.
In the end, how we were very proud to our students, in a way how they prioritized and work hand-in-hand in supporting the 2022 MHIS Language Fair, Bravo! By reciting Alhamdulillah, the event held successfully, thumbs up and hat’s off to all the 2nd grade students. Keep up the good work! 🙂
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