MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Primary 4, 3D Shapes Installation, STEAM Fair 2022 – MHIS Showcase

Primary 4, 3D Shapes Installation, STEAM Fair 2022

STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Research/Inquiry projects in any of these areas will be displayed in this fair. Students in any grade level can present their projects in this fair. 

A STEAM fair project is an experiment, a demonstration, a research effort, a collection of scientific items, or display of scientific apparatus presented for viewing. Our STEAM Fair is “Bridging the Gap from Online to Onsite Learning through STEAM”.

The aims of STEAM FAIR are:

  • Students are able to have contextual knowledge so that they understand how all the subjects can be brought together to relate to a common thread.
  • Students are able to work on Essential Concepts that allows them to examine Reality-Based Issues to frame Essential Questions.
  • Students are able to frame the essential questions, it allows them to go through the full spectrum that guides research, experiments and innovations with functional applications. 
  • Student’s interests and engagements will make better connections to knowledge.
  • Students then have a chance to share their outcomes with the community and have the community benefit and learn from them.

Primary 4 students have conducted a collaborative Project-based Learning covering Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. The project is to give students experience in making things by using 3D shapes objects and be able to use it as its functions in life. Students are expected to come up with their own ideas to create a project. As the process, students were grouped based on their interest and idea about making things by using 3D objects. The projects are : 3D shapes toys, 3D shapes games, Miniature and 3D shapes robot. On the day, they also have Tessellation Competition.



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