MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

STEAM FAIR 2022 Grade 5: Recycle 3D Plastic Waste – MHIS Showcase

STEAM FAIR 2022 Grade 5: Recycle 3D Plastic Waste

On October 24, 2022, grade 5 started their STEAM FAIR project. Students work together to recycle 3D plastic waste into a product that can be used for a long time. Apart from applying what has been learned from supporting subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Digital Literacy, and Arts, students also develop their social skills by sharing opinions with their group mates.

During the STEAM Fair, students work together to make projects and show their best performance. They also prepared various mini games for their booth on Culmination Day. Many lower students are happy to visit the STEAM Project grade 5 booth, because they can see lots of interesting projects and fun mini games.

Not to forget, grade 5 also presented extraordinary performances by singing and dancing. They also show their cohesiveness and cooperation in every appearance.

Thank you grade 5 students, you have worked hard.

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