MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

New Experience! How We Were Able to Make a Song In a Short Amount of Time. (9BG4) – MHIS Showcase

New Experience! How We Were Able to Make a Song In a Short Amount of Time. (9BG4)


We are group 4 consisting of Zahwa Khairinnisa as a leader, Anaya Uliratu Anargya Kesuma as a vice leader, Fakhriza Zaki Aditya and Abdurrachman Rafi as members.

‘We have been preparing for this project for a small amount of time!’ No, you are not mistaken, we made this song in just a few weeks, but we guarantee that our song is better than you think. ‘Why compose a song?’ No one is a musician in our group, and composing a song is something new that is challenging for us. Our lyrics represent different learning objectives from all subjects! (Religion, English, Science, Bahasa Indonesia, PPKN, PE, Global Perspective, Math, Music and Mandarin).

You may be thinking, ‘Composing a song is probably not that hard’, well you thought wrong. It was hard at first, thinking about the lyrics, the melody and even the video. So we had our own parts to do. Zahwa as the leader helped out in every way, but mostly with the lyrics, Anaya helped with some of the lyrics and edited half of the video, Riza helped pitch in ideas for our song, and A.Rafi did his part in the video.

We have had many projects in the past, but we have never made or composed a song for any of the assignments. We had similar projects last year, but unlike last time, we had more choices to choose from. It was a new experience for us, being that none of us are musicians, we had to compose and come up with a melody from technology. One of the highlights of the process of making this song was exploring all the different melodies and tunes that we could start on. We have learned about great applications and technology that you can use creatively for music. 

Since none of us from group 4 are musicians, we had to come up with a way to make music, to make our melody. So our lovely music teacher, Mr. Pepen recommended that we use an app called Bandlab. It was very useful and we made our full melody on that app! It was almost the easiest part of the whole project.

An important thing we learned during this project was that teamwork makes everything easier and faster. Like how we came up with the lyrics, all four of us wrote down our ideas and we surprisingly managed to finish the lyrics faster than expected. Even though we thankfully finished our whole project before the deadline, communication was still something we needed to work on, especially time management. We have found out in the worst way, that managing your time is very important when it comes to assignments and deadlines. Hopefully we can learn to communicate better, manage time better and learn from our mistakes, so we could have better results in future projects!

Every leader must of course emphasize the importance of teamwork and consider the roles for group members. You don’t have to be proficient in making melody before you can make music, you can also use technology/applications that make it easier. Don’t be afraid to start from 0 because starting from 0 will add to the experience you have never had before.

Written by: Group 4 9B



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