MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Multinational Daily News (G12G1) – MHIS Showcase

Hi Assalamualaikum Everyone!

This is the one and the only group of Grade 12, we have Reza as the leader, Athalla as the vice leader, and Ahmad as the member. For this PBL Project, our group did news reporting as the leader of the group divided the task among all members.

We decided to make a news report, it is about us reporting several news stories connected with our learning objectives in each subject. The news will be still in our main theme, imagination. However, we give all audiences facts in the science section and can be implemented in our life.

Reza as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Everyone in the group worked together to make the script for each news. Reza is responsible for the biology part, Ahmad is responsible for the physics part, and Athalla is responsible for the English part. Furthermore, Athalla became the main Mc which led the show to run smoothly. Reza and Ahmad exchange several roles to become speakers, reporters, and scientists. We also get support from the teachers to make our project become excellent.

In a specific procedure, we read the guidelines of the PBL project then we discuss the scenario of each news that will be presented. After that, we came up with a variety of ideas and combined them into one news reporting show.

So, pretty much our procedure is doing discussions for the scenario of each news, the roles of each member, the clothes that we will use, and the editing process.

This was our 3rd time doing the project and this project was different from the last project because we need to present it in multiple languages as it’s related to the language fair. Many struggles that we had faced, but these things make us stronger for the next PBL project. We hope we can still give all audiences our work perfectly in the PBL.

Please take a look on our project

Multinational Daily News

Written by: Reza, Ahmad, and Athalla


  • Ivana Cecilia / Reply

    You guys must be having a hard time to do the project. But you all managed to finish it, good job! Keep up the spirit! ^^

  • great job! I love the idea where you guys act like tv presenters

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