MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Major problems of the world || News Anchoring (G8BG3) – MHIS Showcase

Major problems of the world || News Anchoring (G8BG3)


Hi everyone!

This is group 3, we have Zahra Larasati Pohan as the leader, Muhammad Naufal Abdillah as the vice leader and other members are Shifa Misya Fianda and Raisha Alika Nugroho. 

“We decided to make a News anchoring, it is about Major problems of the world”

For this PBL Project, our group did news anchoring and Zahra as the leader of the group divided the task to all members. Shifa made the script, Raisha did the editting and Naufal made the recording. First we read the guidelines then we divide the task. After that, we continued to the scripting process while we are also working on the animation. In the final part, we did recording and editing.

This was our second time doing the project and this year was different from last year. This year was about languages. It was really hard to do since our team procrastinated alot. However, in the end we finished it before the due.

here is our video link, please do enjoy!

Written by: Zahra Larasati Pohan

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