MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Group 2 STEAM Fair Project Grade 8A – MHIS Showcase

Group 2 STEAM Fair Project Grade 8A


Hello everyone.

This is group number 2. You might recognize us from the learning app that we’ve created for our STEAM Fair project. First and for most, let’s introduce all the members here: we have our leader Fatima, our vice leader Zaki, and the rest of the members are Hafiz and Rafif. Sit back, relax, and let us take you through our journey.

For those who might not know, our group developed an Android-based learning application with a gamification feature to help students learning STEAM materials easier. We developed this app using ‘MIT App Inventor’, a free website that allows you to make Android-based apps on your laptop and smartphone. The app has consisted of 7 screens that contain materials and brief biographies of famous inventors in pdf format, and true or false quizzes to test understanding.

Our future plan is to develop this app more helpful for students by allowing third parties to add materials. Then, it will allow everyone to share knowledge through this platform. This approach will create huge contributors as well as readers to use it as a reference for studying; similar to Wikipedia but is focused on learning the STEAM materials. 

The journey begins by crafting future plan and objective. The main objective is providing a joyful learning experience for student by developing this application. After that, we described roles and assignments for each member of the group. Fatima was the one who gave out the roles for our group. Hafiz is assigned as the head programmer, Fatima also has a role as the scriptwriter, Zaki is the second programmer and also responsible for user experience, and finally, Rafif is our video editor and co-scriptwriter.

Since the very beginning of the process, our group knew that we wanted to be the best and challenge ourselves for the sake of experience and knowledge. There were 4 options: video tutorial, song composition, comic, and coding. Nobody, in the entire school, designed an app because it was time-consuming.

The lessons learned are plenty. We knew that we were going to take the big challenge so we took the risk. One of the most challenges we dealt with was having 3 weeks of forgone time to determine which materials we have to put into the project. We crammed to wrap it up in 2 weeks and surprisingly, the results are not bad at all. Yes, there were some arguments and rifts between members but we’ve managed to finish it on time and that’s what matters.

What we’ve learnt throughout the process is also to gain mutual respect for our members, work efficiently, and communicate clearly. Procrastination is key to doom, and even though things are overwhelming sometimes, the process really wasn’t so bad after all. We really hope and expect future projects and competitions to know more about the things on how to win the award. Nevertheless, we believe that the main objective of the project is for us to gain more knowledge and experience. We also believe that this platform can be developed further to maximize the benefit. It will have benefits to create a positive learning environment for students. This app has a future. 

Written by: Fatima, Zaki, Hafiz, and Rafif.



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