MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

A Day in School (7BG4) – MHIS Showcase

Hello everyone!

This is Group 4, and this group consists of Calya as the leader, Karan, as the vice leader, and we also have Keisha and Alicia as the members. For this islamic event, we decided on making a short film. It starts with 3 students going to school normally and in each lesson there will be a moral to remember. We have worked on this project for quite a while now. Some of us did it offline and some online by sending a video. We also have a Whats app group. That’s where we usually discuss the project.

Everyone took part in the movie, and we all worked together. Calya, as our leader, told the roles and things they must do for the movie. Karan, our vice leader, took care of the script and helped with the roles as well. As for Keisha and Alicia they help just as much as the others, and finish the scripting and editing. After doing this project with the other members, we’ve learned that we could really get along and can finish the project if we work together as a team. So teamwork is really important when doing a group project.

I also  think more people should do short film in the future, because in my opinion writing the script and filming it isn’t that hard if all the members work together. For example, our group wasn’t that good at the start, but at the end everything went just fine. 

Want to check our movie? 

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