Hi Everyone
This is group 4, we have Rauufi as the leader, Regi as the vice leader and other members are Jihan and Athaya For this PBL Project, our group did an Infographic and Rauufi being the leader of the group divided the task into all members.
We decided to make an infographic from canva which describes all the learning objectives and how they connected to hobbies and how every single subject had a hobby to go with it, and how it all fits together
Rauufi as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Rauufi being the leader, did the planning and created meeting schedules for the group, and gave out roles. He also worked on the infographic having to use canva with a premium account, and doing the Science, Math, and PE. Rauufi also did the music which you will hear in our summary video. Athaya did part of the infographic, having to do the PABP, Mandarin, and Arabic. Athaya is also responsible for doing the video compiling all our clips and making the video. Jihan is also the one who helped Athaya in doing the PABP, Mandarin, and Arabic, as well as doing the Subtitles for the video, both English and BI. Regi did the script and help to create a good script that would not exceed the time limit and would help our summary video. Regi also edited the video creating the animation, and helped create the video.
First, we read the guidelines then we divide the task. Rauufi started to gather information for the science and math part while Athaya and Jihan started on doing the Mandarin, and Arabic part, because we knew it would be hard. We also thought about how we are trying to implement all these ideas into the infographic so it would make sense. One of our struggles is that some of the learning objectives did not make sense.
This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year. We learned a lot from the last PBL, and because of that, we were able to implement some of that experience into our PBL so that it would be better. One of the experiences that we learned is how to adapt to certain situations, such as, some work being delayed, or internet problems which were one of our biggest problems, but fortunately, we were able to overcome these challenges by working together and being patient.
Don’t forget to check out our video and our Infographic!
Written by: Rauufi, Regi, Athaya, Jihan
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