Hi everyone!
This is group 6, we have Lynette as the leader, Zhafran as the vice leader and other members are Freya and Kay. For this PBL Project, our group did comic news and Lynette as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.
We decided to make comic news, it is about The internet
Lynette as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Lynette and Freya made the comic, Zhafran edited the video and Kay made the video.
First we read the guidelines then we divide the task. Lynette and Freya made the comic, Zhafran’s part is editing the videos and Kay’s part is making the video.
This was our first time doing the project. Last project we have as a group, we chose a different project and didn’t communicate nicely so we faced many challenges.
This is our google site please kindly check it out
Written by: Lynette, Zhafran, Kayyisah, Freya.
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