MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

The Beauty of Lombok : Vlog (G9AG1) – MHIS Showcase

The Beauty of Lombok : Vlog (G9AG1)

The Beauty of Lombok :

The Vlog

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

There are many great places in the world, some of them more undervalued than other one of  of these hidden gems is Lombok. Most of the time Lombok is overshadowed by its flashy neighbour, Bali. Even though, Lombok has its own set of amazing attractions. That is why Group 1 will be showcasing their video titled “The Beauty of Lombok” as a homage to Lombok.

Our group consists of me Hafiz as the leader, Dinda as our vice and our member Una. For this PBL Project, our group  did a vlog about the beauty of Lombok. So some people may ask “why pick Lombok out of all the many places out there?”. The reason is, our group wanted to pay homage to Lombok because all of us loved the culture there.

So in making the video, we split ourselves up into several roles such as:

  • Hafiz (leader) : Script writer, Music maker, Actor and Decision maker
  • Dinda (co – leader) : Script writer, Actor and Group Manager
  • Una : Script writer, Actor and Editor

We faced a few problems in the making of our video. First of all, we had a hard time fitting all the subjects together in one video and there were many guidelines. We needed to incorporate into our video but eventually we did find a compromise. The next major problem we faced was that some of our group members took some time to respond and most of us felt a disconnect between each other which caused a few issues. Eventually, we all started to get more connected in finishing our project so it all ended up working out in the end.

Overall it was quite the experience and very different experience from the First PBL project. Everyone in our group ended up learning a few things along the way such as being better communicators, not procrastinating, and doing things as fast as possible. It was a very tough journey.  We hope everyone can enjoy our video as much as we did making the video. Hope you enjoy!

Written By Grade 9 Group 1


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