MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

PBL GROUP 2 GRADE 10 – MHIS Showcase

Greetings everyone! We are from group 2 from grade 10, this group consists of two people which are Izzie and Risya. For our PBL project, we created an infographic. The title of our infographic is “Atomic Physics”.

The infographic consists of information about the few learning objectives that are given. Before we created our infographic, we had to answer some questions for the reviewer. Those answers will then be used for the material in our infographic.

We then decided to create five sections of topics to separate from our learning objectives. There consists of Nucleus, α-, β- and γ, Nuclear fission and fusion, Radiation, Radioactive material, Emissions, and Decay, and the last one is Isotope.

**** Infographic Link***

It actually needed a lot of time and effort to make this infographic. We were given a

month to finish all of the tasks that we had to do. We worked together on making this infographic by dividing some stuff that we have to do. We used an application called canva to make our infographic.

This PBL is a collaboration project of two subjects which are physics and ICT. The materials that we used are according to the learning objective given by the physics subject. But, the technique that we used is according to the learning objective given by the ICT subject.

We also made a video that explains clearly how to make our infographic. If you would like to see it,
you can press it here > the link

We really hope that you guys enjoy this project. We both definitely learned a lot of new things from this year’s PBL and can’t wait to do better in the future.

Looking forward to the next PBL!! See you guys next time<3

Written by: Izzie and Risya


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