MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Global Warming (PBL 7 G2) Short Story – MHIS Showcase

Global Warming (PBL 7 G2) Short Story

Hi everyone!

This is group 2, we have Aqila as the leader, Shifa as the vice leader and other members are Tarin, Samantha and Rafi. For this PBL Project, our group did Vodcast and Aqila as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make A Short story about Global warming to spread awareness.

As days go by, the world is getting even more and more sick and yet nobody has taken notice. People don’t care about the world at the moment, they throw trash at the sea, they keep using plastic and refuse to reduce using it.

All of this sounds like bad news, that’s why me and my group decided to make this project. We all also made a video about the process and summarized the video and also the members’ experience and opinions on making this project.

All of us had the same opinions on the topic and project. We all think it’s bad and should be avoided.

That’s all from us thank you for watching our video and reading this article. 

Link short story :


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