MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

PBL 6 Group 2 – MHIS Showcase

Hi everyone!

This is group 2, we have Danen as the leader, Ghayda as the vice leader and other members are Favian and Queena. For this PBL Project, our group did Digital Post and Danen as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make 5 (five) digital post it is about Toleransi Dalam Berdakwah

 Danen as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Each of us should be work 1 digital post and last digital post has been decided to work together but some plans must be changed at the last second. Although in the PBL this is very difficult for me because of the lack of support from my vice and members. But I’m still trying to do what I can do for this group. 

First we read the guidelines then we divide the task, specify a theme and then create a video for digital post, previously we discuss with our teacher to get approval and so upload to social media. 

This was our 6th time doing the project and this year was little different from PBL previously. This project only use two subject subjects. It should be easier for all, but if there is no motivation to make anything it will be difficult. And most importantly in a team willing to work together and respect each other so that the job becomes easier.

This is our digital post :

Written by: Danen

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