MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

News Anchor (G8BG2PBL5) – MHIS Showcase


Hello, we are group 2 from grade 8B, We have Lynette as the leader, Kay as a vice leader and the other members are Alif, Raisha, and Alta. For this PBL we decide to do News anchoring.

In our project we are gonna inform about plants growth trough out Indonesia’s rainy season, this news will be reported by our reporters Raisha and Alif, after that we will inform about the massive flood in Bandung that will be reported by our reporters Lynette and Alta. all of this news will be edited by Kay.

This is some of our first time doing the project News anchor, itโ€™s quite hard because we need to find a way to inform the news but also relate it to the LO, and it’s not easy but we manage to collaborate together in the script. we are very satisfied with our project because we spend all of our hard work. we would like to recommend this project to people who enjoy news reporting or news writing, overall this project is very enjoyable

Please enjoy the video !!


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