MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Look Into Our Civet Coffee Project…! (8BG3) – MHIS Showcase

Look Into Our Civet Coffee Project…! (8BG3)

Hi everyone!

This is group 3, we have Raisha as the group leader, Kay as the vice leader and other members are Naura and Andrew. For this PBL Project, our group did a short story, and Raisha as the leader of the group divided the task to all the members.

We decided to make a short story, it is about civet coffee. Raisha, as the leader of our group, decided on our roles and tasks for each member and scriptwriting. Naura helped work on scriptwriting and story information. Kay did the video making/editing and uploaded it to youtube. Andrew, helped fill in guidelines and video making.

First, we read the guidelines then we divided the task. Raisha asked each of us what subject we were best at and divided the work for us. Naura wrote for English subjects, Kay wrote for religion, Andrew wrote for global perspective and Raisha did the rest with some of the teammates’ help and asked for approval from all subjects teachers. After that Raisha and Naura started working on the short story and Kay and Andrew did the video making/editing.

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year. Last year, We had fewer subjects than the ones we worked on this year. And we were told to make videos, slides, and products. We get to choose more options for PBL like a short story, Infographic, short films, and podcasts. We learned more about communicating with the members and gained new information while making this project like leadership, collaboration, and story writing. We experienced some challenges as well such as communication with the members, managing time, deciding the topic and plot for the short story, and deciding what our project should be. This project wasn’t the easiest to do but we all worked very hard to finish it by due. Preparing and scheduling were some struggles but our result turned out just fine. I recommend for the students who will do this project in the future not do this project in a tight time because it will be tiring.

Written by: Raisha, Kay, Naura & Andrew

Click the link below TO VIEW OUR SHORT STORY and video

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