Hi everyone! We are Group 8 and our group consists of 4 members, namely: Adit (leader), M.rafi (vice leader), A.rafi and Farrelas the other members. So our group decided to make a comic book about bearings and parallel circuits.
Our project chose to do a comic book that is about Bearings and Parallel Circuits. We made around 18 pages and each topic is 9 pages long. In the comic, we added images, backgrounds, characters and texts. We also made a video describing how the project was done. In addition, we wrote down our experiences and conclusion on making the comic book project.
The roles of our groups were :
Adit: Made the comic book
M. Rafi: Made the videos and comic books
A.Rafi: Worked on editing
Farrel: Made the script.
At first, we had to think of the model of the comic book and the script. After we thought of the model and design, we started doing it. Then, we added texts, background images and characters for the comic. While doing the project, we also recorded some processes of making it and put it on our video. The script had to be about bearings and parallel circuits. Then, we started making the video explaining how to do the project and then we edited it and posted it on YouTube.
We learned that making a comic book was not as easy as we think because we had to put the learning objectives and topic and make them as a script for the comic. We also had to spend time editing the video and also compressing and sending the files of the comic to the teachers. But overall, it was a fun thing to do for a project. I would recommend this project to those people who are good in Arts or good at thinking of a concept or a model and/or editing. However, you have to make sure you have a lot of storage in your devices to do this project because it requires a lot of it. Enjoy our comic book and video!
Writen by : Adit, M. Rafi, A. Rafi, and Farrel
This is more creative and inovative. ceate own imagination.
Nice project ❤️
I think the idea of this project is great, since making a comic it’s not an easy thing to do. Like making the script, chosing all the pictures and texts, especially using that kind of application on the website, and so on. But i think all the members of this group did their parts very well so the result is super creative.
Good project, keep on creating….
Keep up the good work, guys!
Good project, keep on creating….
Nice team work..
Good teamwork
Cool n really creative, good team work 😍👍