MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

GREEN GLAM – 7A Group 2 Islamic Fair – MHIS Showcase

GREEN GLAM – 7A Group 2 Islamic Fair


Hi everyone!

This is group 4, we have Kanya as the leader, Ratu as the vice leader, and the other members are Taufan, Tristan, Indira, Saka, Thareq, and Khalil For this Islamic fair, our project is called Green Glam, and Kanya as the leader of the group divided the task among all members.

We decided to make an innovative trash bin that is a reverse vending machine, this machine can give you vouchers or points if you litter the trash in our innovative machine.

 Kanya as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Kanya is the one who made the logo for our project and bought the tools we need to make the replica of our machine. Ratu, Indira, and Taufan are the members that made the slides for the presentation. Khalil is the member that searches for the idea and designs for our machine. Tristan, Saka, and Thareq are the members that contact our sponsors, Tokopedia, Alfamart, and Gojek.

First, we read the guidelines then we divide the task among all members, Kanya is doing the logo part, Ratu, Indira, and Taufan are doing the part of the slide, Khalil is doing the search, and the design, Tristan, Saka, and Thareq are doing the contacting the sponsor task. We started to think about the concept of our machine, we changed the concept several times before we got the right concept. Lastly, after thinking about the concept, we started making a replica of our machine.

Written by: Indira and Kanya

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