MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Emerald Class Assembly “Wonderful Indonesia” – MHIS Showcase

Emerald Class Assembly “Wonderful Indonesia”

“Wonderful Indonesia” was KG B1 Assembly’s theme for this semester. With that theme, students got to experience the vast diversity of Indonesian culture.

Students and teachers dressed up in traditional costumes from many different ethnicities in Indonesia.

They also danced and sang some traditional dances and songs together. But if you are talking about Indonesia, it will be incomplete if we do not talk about batik. That is why a guest speaker from Batik Komar was invited to the event to share all about batik to the students, teachers and parents.

After opening remarks by Ms. Rosy, the event continued with du’a recitations and sambung ayat by the students with the guidance by Miss Rahma.

Here are some pictures of the students wearing traditional clothes.

Can you tell all the origins of the clothes?


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