MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Beyond Centres and Circle Time (BCCT) – MHIS Showcase

Beyond Centres and Circle Time (BCCT)

MHIS provides a supportive and nurturing environment in which children are active learners, growing in self-confidence and respecting people and the environment around them. In this welcoming atmosphere, important lifelong attitudes to school and learning are established.

The  teachers creatively teach readiness skills in some aspects of development, which are moral and religious, language, cognitive, physical-motor, and artistic. Learning applications focus on integrated themes and sub-themes, which are delivered with the Beyond Centre and Circle Time (BCCT)  method approach. In Kindergarten, students build on the readiness program began in group play and move toward the full curriculum. Learning applications focus on integrated themes and sub-themes, which are delivered with the joy of learning, learning by doing and multiliteracy approaches. 

Learning aspects of this development are also developed through activities in 7 centres, there are IMTAQ centre, readiness centre, block centre, macro dramatic play centre, messy play centre, art centre, and music and movement centre.



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