MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Digital Comic (G10G2PBL6) – MHIS Showcase

Digital Comic (G10G2PBL6)

Assalamualaikum. Hi everyone! This is group 2, we have Sasa as the leader, Kalisya as the vice leader, and the other members are Rama and Cecil. For this PBL, our group did a digital comic.

We are going to explain our process in chronological order. First, we read the guideline. Our teacher explained the rules and instructions thoroughly, they also include the learning objectives, which is the material that we have to incorporate in our project. Next, we had a quick voice call to choose the project. Everyone agreed to pick the digital comic project. Then we scheduled our first meeting, we made our planner document, where we put our notes and our plans there. We organized the planner so we can find anything easily. We read the guidelines again and made reviewers for business studies and chemistry, yes those are the two subjects involved in this PBL 6. After we were done with the reviewers, we sent it to our teachers, asking for approval. Luckily the teachers approved our reviewers, so our next step was writing the script. We divided the parts and distributed them to all members. After we were happy with the script, we made the comic on a website called, Kalisya made the introduction part, Sasa made the presentation part, Rama made the announcement part, and Cecil made the food party part. We put the pictures on our slide, pretending that it is a comic book. We recorded our comic-reading video on zoom, then we edited the video, and added the Indonesian subtitle. We were told to publish our video on YouTube.

We were very tired because we felt like we didn’t get enough breaks. We’re still so tired from PBL 5, but we have to push ourselves to finish PBL 6. But to entertain ourselves, we play songs during our meetings, it can make the process less boring and more enjoyable. Through this project, we learned that communication is very important, never let your friends wait for you without any information. So friends, make sure, whenever you have projects with your friends, never ignore the group chats, be active, and never let your friends wait for you for too long. Being on time is also important, let’s respect our friends and let’s create a fun and happy environment.

Click here to read our comic. 


Written by:
– Kalisya Diandra Noktula
– Sasanti Indah Rachmadani
– Indraputra Adhipramana Trihardjo
– Ivana Cecilia

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