MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Techy Teen – Educational Social Media Content STEAM PBL (G10G2PBL5) – MHIS Showcase

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hello everyone, hai semuanya, ni hao!

This is group 2 of grade 10, we have Kalisya as the leader, Sasa as the vice leader, and the other members are Zaky, Rama, and Yasfin. For this PBL Project, our group made an educational TikTok account, our username is techy_teen. Click here to visit our TikTok account. This time, there are six subjects that must be included in our project, four of them are the main ones, which are math, biology, chemistry, and physics. The other two are just supporting subjects, which are English and ICT.

Kalisya as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Kalisya is in charge of math videos, Zaky and Rama are in charge of chemistry videos, Sasa is in charge of biology videos, and last but not least, Yasfin is in charge of physics video.

Now we are going to tell you our process in making the project. In the first week, which was from 6 to 7 January, our teachers introduced PBL 5 for the first time. In our first meeting, we discussed the guidelines, made our notebook document, brainstormed our Instagram account, and filled out the project progression google sheet.

In the second week, which was from 10 to 14 January, we discussed what we want to put on our Instagram and our Instagram theme, trying to find inspirations in Canva and Google. We made reviewers for math, biology, chemistry, and physics in google docs, the process was so quick. Then we discussed our username, this process was very tough, finding the perfect name is so hard. Then prepared math questions to be shown in our videos. After a few days of revising our reviewers, we asked for the teacher’s approval, we sent our documents to the respective teachers. The last activity of the week was trying Google Form features.

In the third week, which was from 17 to 21 January, we were thinking about making a Google Form competition to attract more people and what to put in our Instagram account (post, story, etc) also Rama came to our school for the first time so we introduced PBL to him and gave him some tasks, he is assigned with chemistry video 3 and 4. At the end of the week, we’re finally done with our script and ready to start recording.

In the fourth week, which was from 24 to 30 January, we did video practice, fixed our scripts, decided the username for our group, checked each other’s camera settings, created our segment names, and lastly, we decided to make a TikTok account, not Instagram, so there was a change of plan, then we made TikTok thumbnail in Canva.

In the fifth week, which was from 31 January to 4 February, we start recording videos for each subject, after making the videos we edit them, add pictures and English subtitles. We also started making a timeline poster with Canva.

This was our fifth time doing the PBL. We can’t lie, our project was going very well, smooth, organized, and efficient. The reason behind this is that we always had meetings every weekday, we also had some situations where we had to have meetings on weekends though. We had more than 25 meetings so far (currently still going). Our teachers announced this PBL for the first time on the 6th of January, and we immediately scheduled our first meeting that day. Since then, we have never missed any weekday without meeting. However, we also faced a few hardships, like lack of communication in the first week, joining the meeting late, and not paying attention during the meetings, but we always talk about our problems openly, and make sure everyone will not repeat the mistake. I hope, through our story, you can also be motivated to do the same, be productive!

Here is our summary video:

Written by:
– Kalisya Diandra Noktula
– Sasanti Indah Rachmadani
– Muhammad Zaky Putra Pramudya
– Indraputra Adhipramana Trihardjo
– Yasfin Muafah Siregar


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