MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

PBL PPKN – MHIS Showcase

Hi everyone!

This is group 5, we have Arfan as the leader, Naja as the vice leader, and the other members are Maska and Adrian. For this PBL Project, our group did a project called Moral Boost, and  Arfan as the leader of the group divided the task among all members.

We decided to make a Canva that explains our project in more detail, it is about step-by-step how to boost peoples people’s morals, we also create a poster to remind others to care more about their surroundings, and garbage that we tape in our classroom.   

Arfan as our group leader decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Naja is the one that created the Canva and raw ideas, and Maska and Adrian is the one that did the research 

First, we read the guidelines then we divide the task, Adrian’s research on the meaning of morals, Maska’s research on the meaning of cleanliness, Naja’s research on how to boost morals, and Arfan’s research what the ties between the two of them.

This was our 8th time doing the project and this year was different from last year, we learned the importance of scheduling our activities so we don’t get burned out, and we also learned the importance of communication because if there was a single miscommunication between the member, it can give a massive effect on the project.

Written by: Naja

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