MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

PBL Music & Bahasa Group 1 G7A – MHIS Showcase

PBL Music & Bahasa Group 1 G7A

This is group 1, we have Nayla as the leader, Sheika as the vice leader, and other members are Jenaya and Jihan. For this PBL Project, our group did Poster Advertisement and Nayla as the leader of the group divided the task up to all members.

We decided to make a Poster Advertisement, it is about a Poster containing pantun about parents.

Nayla as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. I designed the poster, Sheika made a pantun and helps design posters too, Jenaya as the video editor, and Jihan as MC (who appears a lot in Summarizing Video)

First, we read the guidelines then we divide the task, First I and Sheika made a poster together, and Sheika also made Pantun, Jenaya edited for Summarizing Video, and Jihan as MC who will talk a lot in Summarizing video. 

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year, For PBL this time it was different because there was only Music and Bahasa Indonesia for the Learning Objectives and we found it easier to work on this project. And we learned a lot of lessons such as working together in groups, listening to opinions and communicating with each other even though we didn’t meet in person, gaining knowledge about Pantun and others. And if you want to choose this project, I suggest you first find out what pantun poetry is, the structure of the pantun, and its characteristics.

Written by: Nayla, Sheika, Jenaya, and Jihan


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