MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Want to Know About Foods and Beverages? Check Our Project! (8BG2) – MHIS Showcase

Want to Know About Foods and Beverages? Check Our Project! (8BG2)

Hi everyone!

This is group 2, we have Zahra as the leader, Alta as the vice leader and other members are Aqila and Prima. For this PBL Project, our group did Vodcast and Zahra as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make A Vodcast about Shopping Beverages and Food

Zahra as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Alta as the recorder and the script writer, Aqila as the Editor and subtitles maker,Prima as the Translator for the subtitles and lastly Zahra as the Script writer. What was the difference between this PBL and last year’s steam fair? In this PBL there are more subjects to take care of and we have to make a planning project.

First we read the guidelines And picked which project we wanted to do. After that we made a group chat so we could communicate and gave each other the roles. Then,we made the planning pbl. And after that we made the script,recorded in zoom and edited.

This was our 2nd time doing the project and this year was different from last year, everything was going smoothly and the only thing that went wrong was that we were kind of procrastinating which led us to a bad situation. What have I learned from this PBL? I’ve learned that you have to communicate with your members a lot more and not procrastinate.

Written by: Alta,Aqila,Prima and Zahra

Heres our Video and I hope u enjoy!


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