MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Educational Vlog (G8AG3PBL5) – MHIS Showcase

Assalamualaikum, Hi Everyone!

This is group 3 from 8A, we have Naira as the leader, Nara as the vice leader and other members are Salma and Jihan. For this PBL Project, our group did an educational vlog and Naira as the leader of the group divided the task to all members.

We decided to make a google slide and added it in our video, the topics included were Science and Math; Selective breeding, divisibility rules, and word problems. We worked on solving all those problems and educating ourselves about those topics in the video, hoping the viewers can learn something from it too.

Naira as the leader of our group decided on our roles and tasks for each member. Nara and Jihan acted as the students for the video, while Salma and Naira worked on being the tutors. We all worked on the Math/Science reviewers together, as well as the video script and google slide presentation.

The procedure for doing this project was hectic at some points, but we tried to make things go as smoothly as possible. After we finished reading the PBL guidelines, we instantly made a whats app group to discuss which project we will do. We decided on Educational Vlog right away, with Salma introducing the idea for adding a google slide presentation as the motif of the video.

After that, we focused on finishing the Math and Science reviewers. We weren’t all the best at these subjects so we needed each other’s help to work on them. Then, we worked more on the planning. It was very hard trying to make Science relate with Math, but thanks to our teachers’ help we were able to come up with something efficient.

After that was when we focused on finishing the script+google slide, the actual project. It took a lot of work and a couple of days to finish them all. After we finished, we instantly created the video. The video took so long to upload on youtube, so we ended up almost submitting late on the day of the deadline. Luckily, nothing like that happened and we still made it.

This was our 3rd time doing the project and this year was different from last year, there were fewer subjects so it was much less hectic than last time. The learning objectives included Science, Math, and ICT.

Words from the members:

“This was my first time being the leader in a PBL project. I’ve always tried avoiding leading groups, but I can proudly say that I’ve become much more confident in my abilities than before.” (Naira)

“My experience of PBL is we can communicate well and work of PBL to get done.” (Nara)

“Sometimes, some members weren’t able to join the discussion and that’s the hard part that we face in this PBL. Yet, the project was done before the deadline and we are feeling glad with the result.” (Salma)

Some things we suggest for students who will be doing a project like this in the future, is to not procrastinate. It becomes hectic when you work and come up with ideas only a few days before the due date. A reminder to always work together and count on your group members when you need help, especially when you are the leader. Don’t be afraid to lend a hand as well, we are all learning together as a team.

Kindly check our Educational Vlog below!


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