MHIS Showcase

MHIS Showcase

Observing Yellowstone National Park (G9AG2PBL5) – MHIS Showcase




Hello everyone! this is group 2, we have Una as the leader, Zaki as the vice leader, and the other members are Keiza, Zahra, and Rafif. For this PBL Project, our group did a vodcast or videocast and Una as the leader of the group divided the task among all members.

We decided to make a videocast, it is about visiting a national park to observe food chains and the income data, the theme of this project is “interaction”.

Here are the job distribution in doing this PBL project:

  1. Una, as the leader of our group, decided on our roles and tasks for each member.
  2. Zaki edits the videocast
  3. Una and Zahra write the science script
  4. Keiza and Rafif write the math script.

First, we read the guidelines then we discuss what kind of project to make, we decided to do a vodcast as our PBL project, then we divided each task, by whom we writes the science or math script and who will be the editor. After deciding on each role, we then write our script and records the video, after we were all done with the recordings,  Zaki edited the video and uploaded it into Youtube.

This was our 5th time doing the PBL project, we got several experiences such as communicating skills to discuss, and so many other things, we have many experiences from this project-based learning this year.

Written by: Una


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